Art & Content. What’s the difference?

2 min readJun 16, 2021


Almost a year ago, I started posting stuff on the internet. This introduced me to the Digital Creator World; more specifically, Content Creation (kinda tired of the word).

I noticed one thing very quickly. In media, content is everything, but for the sake of reigning this in; I’m going to say videos, graphic designs, photos, social media posts, live streams, etc.

Content, defined by the internet, is the mess of things we post up here. Art, especially when posted on the internet, can be considered content. But, I’ve noticed one thing about that.

Some traditional artists (painters, musicians, singers, whatever) don’t like their work being called content. Which I can understand. Content creation on the internet is fast, quick, and easy to consume. Artists put tons of time and effort into individual pieces, so calling it content does seem to cheapen it.

So, why not consider the reverse perspective?

Art is the expression of human creative skill & imagination. That can be visual, musical, literature, and yes…content creation.

I feel like considering Content/Digital Creation as an individual art form does two things:

  1. Pays respect to other artists (instead of lumping them into one big category of Content Creators).
  2. Opens up the possibility for Digital Content Creators to expand and elevate their mindset in regards to their craft.

Art isn’t just content, but we can make content creation an art form




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