Why Men Act Hard.
I was having a conversation with a friend of mine (She’s a woman), and she said something that I’ve heard many times. “You guys (men) always act so hard.”
It wasn’t anything that serious, but I did, what normally do. Go down a rabbit hole of thoughts, until I either came back full circle or discovered something profound. I came back full circle on this one (happens most of time).
As a 24 year-old ManBoy, I can say I’m at this weird place in life where I’m still at the beginning stages of carving out the man that I truly want to be. It’s a very crucial period, because I can tell from talking to peers that the room is divided.
Some of us are doing the carving, and others are letting life or whatever else grab the chisel and have at it. But, that’s not what I’m here to write about so I digress.
Growing up, what being a man meant was always blurred. I didn’t have many father figures until later in my childhood.
As I got older, I realized a couple things:
- Much like most important things (Love, Happiness, Family), I’d have to define what being a man was for myself.
- Men and Women tend to develop differently.
From my perspective, women tend to step into womanhood more naturally. It comes with its trials of course, but woman, from the outside looking in, seem to operate in a different space from us.
Life is black and white for men. Either you win or lose. You’re apart of the solution or you’re apart of the problem. That’s it. Its been that way at every stage for me. From playing on team sports as a child to growing up in the office of a company.
It may be that way for women too, I’m not sure. I don’t have the experience on that side; but I do know that this contributes to why men act the way that they do.
There’s no room for uncertainty. There’s no time to be focused on problems when a solution is what’s needed. This way of thinking tends to take emotions or feelings out most decisions being made.
In a way, it hardens people up.